Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Our webinar programme is about to start!

We have been wanting to start our webinar programme for a while now, and Adobe Connect has promised us sponsorship which will happen soon we hope. In the meantime we are going ahead hopefully using Whizz IQ, another webinar platform.  If you are a SchoolNet Premium member you will be invited to join the free webinars (remember all SchoolNet offerings are free to educators and are solely for your professional development. 

Webinar Schedule: November 2011

1. Twitter: (with Maggie Verster)
Thursday 10th November: 6-7 pm Twitter 1:
Thursday 17th November: 6-7 pm Twitter 2
Thursday 24th November: 6-7 pm Twitter 3
Thursday 1st December: 6-7 pm Twitter 4

This includes a low-key course that will get you tweeting. Tiwter is one of the best ways to build up your own Personal Learning Network and to get in touch with great educational content. SchoolNet Premium members will be getting all the details in an email on Wednesday evening (2nd November).

2. Blogging (with Fiona BealDates are still tentative
Saturday 12th November: 9am Blogging 1
Saturday 19th November: 9am Blogging 2
Saturday 26th November: 9am Blogging 3

Saturday 3rd December: 9am Blogging 4
This includes a low key course that aims to get you blogging. We also want you to connect with other educators who want to blog so that we can become friends and encourage each other along the way. 

 3. Wikis (with Karen Stadler, Caroline Bruton and Fiona Beal) Dates are tentative
Wednesday 7 December: 5-6 (Karen Stadler): Wiki 1
Wednesday 14 December: 5-6 (Carolyn Bruton): Wiki 2
Wednesday  11 January: 5 - 6 (Fiona Beal): Wiki 3
Wednesday  18 January: 5-6 (Fiona Beal): Wiki 4
This includes a low key course that aims to get you starting your own wiki as well as connect with others in the SchoolNet Premium family.

Tentative webinar plans for 2012

There is plenty that will happen in 2012. Many people have been approached and will still be approached to share their expertise. Currently the lists includes:

 Karen de Stadler(Skype projects)
Sarietjie Musgrave (One Note)
Brenda Hallowes (Edmodo in a primary school)
Warren Sparrow (Movie Maker)
Hlengiwe Mfeka (Premier)
Linda Bradfield (topic to be announced)
Deb Avery (Thinking tools)
Arthur Preston (to be announced)
Glen Williams (Using Scratch)
Peter de Lisle (Google Earth)
Clair Dean (Thinkquest)
Lisa Gair (Bing maps)
Pieter Schuurman (Edmodo in a High School)
Saul Pila (topic to be announced)
Natalie Meerholtz (QR codes)
Nomty Gaba (topic to be announced)
Nina Adams (topic to be announced)
Charli Wiggil (topic to be announced)